Dull Days 🥱
I’ve got some dull days ahead; and with no tent to crawl into while I wait them out. I’ve got no park bench to rest on, either.
This morning I had trigger finger release surgery; so of course for today I’m practically forced to take it easy. I’m still a bit groggy from the sedation; and the surgical site is “waking up” from the local anesthetic. I need to avoid putting much pressure on the site for at least a few days; and besides that, the dressing needs to stay dry. With more rain in the forecast, that would be quite a job if I were outdoors.
The surgeon says, don’t ride until I can comfortably use the bicycle’s brakes. That’s a very important point; if I can’t stop safely, I’m an accident waiting to happen. And using a bicycle pump might be hard. After the hand surgery last year, I managed by using the forearm on the pump handle; but that caused bruising! Gosh, these are going to be some dull days!
Waiting It Out 😐
I can’t even cook while I’m waiting it out. Cooking means washing and chopping veggies; and washing dishes and pots. My brother came for a few days to help; and I’m leaving kitchen duty to him. (Kind of nice to have a temporary slave! 😉)
After today, I’d better start doing a lot of squats, to try to keep my legs halfway in condition. Lunges are a good exercise, but they’re still a problem because of last Fall’s bunion surgery.
And I can keep planning future rides, to keep my mind active. From my reading about training, if you miss two or three days, there’s no big adjustment needed. More than that and you need to scale back. I hope I’m back on the bike by the weekend; but I might be wise not to attempt a distance much over 20 miles. So here I am, waiting it out; an all I can do is wait and see how things pan out.
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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.
I live in New Orleans; and retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!
Website designed by Cecile Levert
© This website is the property of its author.
I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.