



Once upon a midnight dreary…”

I don\’t know about midnight; but this morning sure was dreary. It was chilly and rainy. On and off there was thunder; and I decided not to go out on the road bike. I had fasting blood work scheduled for 8:30 am, so I couldn\’t have anything to eat; and who wants to bonk?

I didn’t ride to my appointment, either. It’s only a short distance, a mile or even a bit less; but if the streets were going to flood, I didn’t want to have to take the bicycle through deep water. It got wet enough yesterday.

So I walked. Luckily it wasn’t raining hard, but it was dreary all the same: a gray morning, and too cool for shorts. Afterwards I walked to work; and that was something of a hassle. I was trying to hold onto my water bottle and umbrella while chowing down the bologna sandwich that I had brought with me. I was getting too hungry to wait until I got to work to eat it.

Surprisingly, by about 10 am the sun was coming out. It was still at least partly sunny when I went on lunch break around 11:30; but I didn’t trust it. Rain was still very much possible; and in fact we\’re still under flash flood watch. After I got home this evening, I discovered that we\’ll be under a wind advisory for much of tomorrow. It doesn\’t go into effect until 9 am; so maybe I\’ll be able to make a trip to the supermarket.

It looks like they don\’t expect rain, but it will still be cloudy; so it will be a rather dreary ride. But temperatures in the 70s, and at 5 am! Summer is a\’coming!