

Dreaming Again

Dreaming Again!

Yes, I’m dreaming again; this time about RAGBRAI!

Is it really so impossible? Apparently it isn’t too late to register for RAGBRAI 2023; but I’m quite sure it’s too late for me to train up to it. After all, the big ride starts on July 22; and I’m just getting back on the bike again.

There are many things to consider: getting up there to Iowa, and getting back home afterwards; training for the ride; whether to bring along ride food.

Food. Judging from the YouTubes I’ve been watching, RAGBRAI is a week-long food fest! The list of “eats” includes, among other items, ice cream; pork chops; corn on the cob; and beer (well, I think I’ll skip the beer). I might not need to bring any food; but I don’t think it would hurt to have a few energy bars on hand, just in case.

How about clothes? Can I wash out shorts and jerseys in the shower? I’ll need clean shorts each day; and as of now I have only five pairs. As to jerseys, I own all of three!

“Evening” clothes are a must, because I won’t want to hang out in sweaty shorts after a long day in the saddle. That’s a major no-no! Which brings up another point — take along an ample supply of Chamois Butt’r. I also am sure to go through a LOT of sunblock! Y’know, I think I’ll order me a pair of leg sun sleeves. If I’m dreaming again about doing RAGBRAI, it’s not too soon to try out these things!

Rather surprisingly, it can get chilly during RAGBRAI; so I’ll have to pack leg- and arm-warmers. Rain is always a possibility; that means a rain jacket and extra socks.

There are charter services for RAGBRAI that will set up a tent for you each night; and for a first-timer, that might be the way to go. Especially if I go it solo. After all, where can I practice setting up a tent?

I could keep going about this; but for the moment, all I know is I’m dreaming again!