
Draw the Line

\"drawWhere does one draw the line?

All that seems to be in the news of late is coronavirus. We hear the grim statistics about the death toll.

We hear stay-at-home mandates. They say to immediately clean anything that you bring into your home. Do this, do that!

It has me wondering where we should draw the line between sensible precautions and paranoia. It\’s impractical to sanitize any and every thing. Good grief, how does one sanitize an onion? Even constant hand-washing, etc. won\’t help much if you\’ve picked up the virus on your hair or clothes. Do we have to shower, wash our hair, and wash our clothes if we step outdoors for a minute? Must we all seal ourselves in sterile bubbles?

I\’m experimenting with ordering groceries and other needs through amazon dot com. It strikes me as frightfully expensive. Salvage store prices have spoiled me, I guess. So, when that box from Amazon gets here, I\’m supposed to sterilize it before I dare to touch it?

Even so, I\’m thinking I\’d better get my canned goods, rice, and other non-perishables via Amazon for the time being. For several weeks I\’ve had symptoms that I\’ve supposed are allergy; they\’re neither getting worse nor getting better.  But — what if they ARE coronavirus symptoms? (See what I mean about paranoia?)

My visits to the salvage store are as much about the ride as getting groceries on the cheap. There\’s the thrill of the hunt, too: I never can be absolutely sure of what I\’ll find. But for now I guess I\’ll buy online, and go out for a ride-ride instead of going to the store.