

double dip

Double Dip?

I did a sort of double dip for lunch today; although not with ice cream. After all, I ate ice cream yesterday!

My appetite for refried beans was coming to the surface; and I didn’t have any in pop-top cans. So, on the way home from occupational therapy, I detoured to the drug store to see what I could find.

The store had bean dip; and I got a can of that. It works well as a spread on bread; and I put some ranch dressing on top of it. The dressing didn’t quite make it double dip; but it was close enough.

I hope I don’t have to regret going to the store. At the checkout, the customer ahead of me had a child in tow (about 3-4 years old, I guess); and the kid was coughing like crazy. The parent wasn’t covering up the kid’s cough, either; nor telling the child to do so. I was wearing a mask; but if I get a cold or worse in the next day or two, I’ll know why!

It’s a good thing I have a supply of Vitamin C left from my hand surgery. I’m going to take extra for a few days, until I’m sure I didn’t catch a cold; and I’ll be so glad when I can ride again! Regular vigorous exercise seems to be good for my immune system!