

Don\’t Toss It Yet


Don\’t toss it yet! Hang on to it a while. Has it got any more wear in it?If not, can it be used for something else?

Re/Uses presents many ways to reduce your trash output; keep things out of the landfill; and even save you money. It\’s a book that I wish I had!

I grew up seeing my mother reuse things. She saved glass jars and food cans even when we really didn\’t have room for any more in the cupboards! Ergo I often find it difficult to throw things away; especially the aforementioned glass jars.

Recycling and reusing doesn\’t have to be about major things. Here\’s one I just did: I had an empty canister from Vega; I used the last of the powder a couple of weeks ago. But I didn\’t throw away the container, nor even put it in the recycling bin. I figured I would think of a way to use it; so I washed and dried it, and set it aside.

Sure, and I did think of something to do with it. My raids on the grab-bag bins at the salvage store resulted in my having many packs of Hazelnut Spread M&Ms; some single-serve size, and others share size. Those packs were still in the grab bag; and that bag took up a good bit of space in the fridge.

I decided to empty the packs of M&Ms into the old Vega canister. All but one pack fit into the canister; and the canister takes up much less room than the grab bag did.

So don\’t toss it yet. You never know what it might be good for!