

Don\’t Light Candles


Don\’t light candles for me, please! Their sheer numbers would be enough to burn the whole place down.

It\’s a funny thing about birthdays. When we\’re young, a birthday is an exciting event: Wow, I\’m another year older! I\’m a big kid! A birthday is a big deal.

By the time we\’re in our teens, birthdays are still fun; but not the exciting big deal that they were when we were little kids. In our early twenties, they\’re OK; and by our late twenties, we\’re tired of hearing about them!

The good thing about cycling is that, no matter how many birthdays have gone by, most of us can keep on riding. Cycling is non-impact; so the joints don\’t get the pounding that they would from, say, running. That means that someone who has arthritis of the knees can likely still pedal a bicycle.

If balance becomes a problem, there are adult tricycles. With a trike, you don\’t have to worry about balance; but be careful about cornering! If you\’ve been used to a bicycle, cornering on a trike might take some adjustment. Don\’t lean into the turn; or one rear wheel could leave the ground, and dump you off your ride!

I did this one backwards. I got a tricycle because I felt off-balance at the time; and apparently the vigorous exercise of riding helped straighten it out. Then I graduated! But I still feel like a weakling when silver-haired riders whiz past me like I\’m backing up.

Cycling helps to keep our blood pressure in check; and I\’m always going to have to work against prediabetes. Cycling helps with weight control, too.

That\’s a lot to celebrate; but don\’t light candles!