

Don\’t Lie to Me!

\"don\'tDon\’t lie to me, wheel! Or, how to true a wheel. This is a skill that I have yet to learn. I don\’t have either a bike stand or a truing stand . Where would I put a bike stand anyway?

Of course, I don\’t want to use one of my bicycles as a guinea pig. Once I did get a spare wheel so I could practice changing tubes; but then the cold weather set in. My skin gets very dry in cold weather; and  changing tubes means beating up my cuticles. They\’d have gotten all bloody as a result. Eventually, after done nothing with that wheel for a least a year, I got rid of it. It would be handy now to have it again!

Getting back to the bike stand, I\’m not sure I\’m strong enough to lift my hybrid (probably close to 40 lbs including the rear rack) high enough to get it into a bike stand. I might not be able to lift the much-lighter road bike that high. Or could I fasten the bicycle into the stand while it\’s still on the floor, and then raise it up?

Don\’t lie to me. I don\’t want to spend my money on a bicycle repair stand, and only then find out!