
Dem Bones

Dem Bones



I hope my bones don’t look like this!

How about dem bones? I hope my skeleton doesn’t look like this! At any rate, several months ago I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.

So, what does that mean when it comes to cycling? Having osteoporosis does, after all, put me at increased risk for fractures. The occasional spill is an inevitable part of cycling; and I don’t need to land on the ground and break a hip.

On the other hand, I won’t be blasting along at 30 mph; at least, not for the foreseeable future. But do I do enough weight-bearing exercise off the bike to help stymie osteoporosis?

Is walking to work once or twice a week enough? I’m riding to work more often this month because of Cycle September. For the same reason I’m also using the bike this month to go to the nearby strip mall; 0.6 miles from home and an easy walk.

Plyometrics would be a wise addition to my routine, and probably would be good for my bone health; but all that jumping would make a lot of racket (I live in part of an old, raised building). Jumping/bouncing also tends to make me feel dizzy.

I’m on prescription medication for osteoporosis; and also take calcium supplements and Vitamin D. I eat yogurt; and need to start mixing up milk (from instant milk powder) to drink. I grew up drinking milk; but in the last few years somehow I’ve drifted away from it. It would be wise, I think, to get back to it for the sake of “dem bones”.