
Day 8


Love to Ride \”rides\” on, into Day 8.

Today, for a change, I got to work without getting rained on. It was, however, overcast; and I was rather nervous about the possibility of having the sky open up any moment.

As the morning went on, there was some clearing; and the sun came out! As the day went on, the wind picked up; and by the time I rode home it was blowing quite strongly. I\’m glad it was a tailwind for the final mile.

The Love to Ride challenge even has me wondering whether I could get in a 100-miler before the end of the month. According to this, I\’m probably not ready for a century at this point; especially if I have a strong wind on the day.

Or is my having done 44 miles day before yesterday a sign that I could manage the miles, even if I plod along at 11 mph most of the day? On the other hand, during Tour de Cure last Fall, my arms felt sore and tired before the end; and I did the 50-mile route, not the 100-mile one.

If I want to do a century, maybe I\’d better give myself more time to work up to it. Just because today is Day 8 is no reason to get overambitious!