
Day 13

\"dayLove to Ride; and it\’s Day 13 so soon?

Why the four-leaf clover? Well, they do say that 13 is supposed to be unlucky. Might as well be forearmed.

Despite the forecast for strong wind, I rode to the salvage store. I wanted to load up on snacks to take to work. The store\’s make-your-own-grab-bag offer is terrific for that.

I brought along the zip-lock bag (large size) that I got when I was last at the store two weeks ago. Today I got 39 things in the bag, which boils down to about 13 cents per item. Some of those things cost over $2.00 in regular stores.

I\’ll not weary you with a complete breakdown, but I found candy bars; 4-packs of Snackwell\’s sandwich cremes; and more!

Of course that\’s not all I got; I also bought bologna; canned goods; and other stuff. By about 9:00 I was heading for home.

That\’s where you could that Day 13 brought my dose of bad luck. I had a headwind, as I had known I would. I checked the forecast, after all! Now it\’s 12:45 pm, and there\’s a wind advisory in effect. T-storms are also possible at any time. I had thought I might go for a spin on the road bike this afternoon; but common sense says I\’d do better to stay under cover.