


\"crunchingCrunching the numbers, that is. Sometimes it just has to be done, although crunching potato chips, or Combos, or corn chips is much more fun.

December 31 is the day to add up the year\’s total bicycle mileage. Here\’s what I have:

road bike:  3052.43 miles; 277:32:54 hours

hybrid     :   1044.91 miles; 131:45:56 hours

I admit I\’m a little disappointed with my grand mileage total of 4097.34 for the year. I had hoped to do more. Naturally I didn\’t expect to pull a hamstring. That cost me several hundred miles, I\’m sure.

I went for a ride this morning. I wanted to be sure I got in some miles before the year\’s end — and before people start setting off fireworks. I can\’t know when an ill-aimed pyrotechnic might blow out one of my eardrums, or put out one of my eyes. And gunpowder smoke reeks!

Today I met with some friends for lunch. The place where we went was crowded, and that was late morning/early afternoon! And far from the places where you could expect mobs of people on New Year\’s Eve. My dislike of crowded surroundings is why I stay home. The noise would drive me crazy, too.

After lunch I was in an ice cream mood, so I went to the drug store and got some. Then, back home to start working on blogs.

Do I plan to see in the New Year by composing blogs?? No, I don\’t think so. I\’ll want to get some sleep so I can go riding in the morning!