It\’ll be a cold holiday!
Yes; I have a three-day weekend before me. Snow is a great rarity here; and none is expected. But it will be cold enough for me!
This afternoon the wind started to strengthen. Around 3:30 I heard a few gusts that were quite strong; and I decided I\’d better drop work for a minute, and bring in my recycling bin before it got blown away. Indeed, the wind now is 22 mph.
It\’s blowing from the West, which is unusual. If this wind keeps up, my neighborhood will be smelling the fumes from the petroleum refinery 25 miles away! I\’m glad that doesn\’t happen often.
I\’m also glad the wind is supposed to drop to about 10 mph by morning. The predicted low is in the upper 30s; and such a temperature plus a 22 mph wind means a chill factor well below freezing!
So — shall I go to the salvage store, or not? Even if the wind drops to 10 mph by morning, as predicted, the chill factor will still be around 29 degrees. I can put warm packs inside my gloves; but my feet will still be too cold. At least I should have a tailwind on the way back home; and that always helps.
How about the Sunday long ride? It will still be cold in the morning. I won\’t be trying for 40 miles yet; I\’m still getting back into road-bike condition, and 25 miles would be a more sensible goal.
Monday? It will be great to have a day to sleep a few extra hours. I might go for a short ride; and take Tuesday off from bicycles. But whatever I do, it will be a cold holiday.