


\"coffeeOh, coffee! I\’ll bet a lot of people out there were wondering when I would  fi-i-i-nally get around to blogging about this topic.

I hear a lot about how coffee and cycling seem to go together. We hear about the casual group ride to the local café; or about having a shot of espresso before a race.

It\’s all lost on me; I\’ve never been a coffee drinker. I begged a taste of the stuff when I was about six; and was off of it for life.

Not that I really have anything against this beverage. I like to smell the roasting beans, and to smell coffee brewing; but the taste is too bitter for me. I get my caffeine from Diet Coke!

There was a time when the Turks were trying to capture Vienna. If they had, they would have had the gateway to western Europe. The Turks themselves didn\’t conquer  Europe — but their Kaffee did!