

Climate Ride

\"ClimateRecently I learned about Climate Ride. It came about towards the end of the Cycle September challenge when, to my surprise, I received an email notifying me that I was a Climate Rider. The message said that, for riding 300 or more miles during the Challenge, I had a 20% discount. It could be used towards any of Climate Ride\’s excursions within the USA.

Unfortunately all of these events take place far from home. It would be most ironic if I [GASP!!] used a CO2-belching car to get to a Climate Ride!

Another catch is that fund-raising is a major part of Climate Ride events. Even raising $200 (or was it $250?) for Tour de Cure has always been very difficult for me. I know people raise money through Facebook, but I don\’t yet have sufficient traffic for such a venture.

There\’s always the training-up aspect. Am I ready for the mileage involved? Some of those rides have days when the distance to be covered is up to, or over, 100 miles.

If I could do a Climate Ride, I think I might like to go for either the Bar Harbor or Glacier ride. As to the \”less waste\” part of Climate Ride\’s Mission, how would they feel about riders packing along Clif Bars, GU-Gels, and so on? All that waste packaging!!

I can always think about it. Maybe even put a Climate Ride on my bucket list!