

Fueled by Cabbage

Fueled by Cabbage? No, my rides aren’t fueled by cabbage. Not entirely, anyway; although I do eat the stuff. But as I compose this blog, I’m snacking on raw carrots and hummus! If you happen to have an interest in a vegan diet; and want to know how to manage it around cycling; Complete Vegan Cycling Diet can help you to get started. The author is a former pro athlete and a certified sports nutritionist; not only does this book include recipes, it explains what you need for good nutrition.   I myself have no desire to go vegan; in part because I’m lazy. Veganism requires much more careful planning than vegetarianism, which can include dairy products and eggs. I’m not entirely vegetarian; I do eat meat or chicken or tuna once or twice a week. But usually this takes the form of canned chicken or tuna. I never have enjoyed handling raw meat; fish; or poultry. It feels weird on my hands; and I never seem able to wash off the smell! The resulting debris really stink up a garbage can, too. Also, I hate cleaning up the grease caused by cooking meat. Hence vegetarianism’s appeal to me. Today I didn’t have much riding to do; whether fueled by cabbage or by chocolate. I took a trip to the supermarket; and was home by around 9:00 am. I didn’t want to go out on the road bike by that time: the temperature was well into the 80s; and the heat index was already 100-plus. A heat advisory was scheduled to begin at 10:00 am; and I admit that I’m tired of riding in such heat. There’s yet another heat advisory forecast for tomorrow from 10:00 am; so I’d better go to the salvage store early. As a rule, I get home from such jaunts around ten o’clock; so I’ll just beat the heat!

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Belly Up

Belly Up? I feel rather like going belly up. If not for the fact that I don’t drink alcohol, I might belly up to the bar right now. Prolonged editing sessions tend to do that to me. Today it was Bar None; and I didn’t realize how many bars I had in my Store! The editing took longer than I thought it might. The table I use is really a little too high; and that causes tension in the back of my neck and shoulders. My wrists aren’t at the proper angle, either. No wonder it’s so physically tiring. I hope I can go for a ride tomorrow morning; it might help clear my head. This morning I skipped riding because I had an appointment; and after I was back home, I was waiting for a phone call. So I didn’t “ride” in the trainer, either. Now I need some good exercise! At the moment, I don’t want to go for a ride. It’s past 7 pm, but still almost 90 degrees; and there’s a T-storm not too far from here. I have no idea which way it’s moving; but storms can move fast. No way I can outride them; and I don’t want lightning to knock me belly up! The weather for tomorrow looks iffy, too — 50% chance of rain. Well, there’s always that trainer.

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Ranch Eggs

Ranch Eggs? This morning I had ranch eggs — sort of. I had some blackney beanpot that needed to be used up; so I put the beans in a bowl; topped them with an egg; and microwaved the stuff for two minutes. Then, I put some ranch dressing on top! I think this would have tasted better with a bit of red bell pepper; but I was short of time for chopping things. Our weather is still very hot; and that’s one reason I want to get going early for the ride to the salvage store. Another reason for going early is, I want to avoid traffic. For about two blocks of my route, I have to take to a traffic lane; and the earlier I go, the fewer the cars! I still have to be careful not to buy too much canned stuff; but today I got three 10 oz cans of chicken. I’ve been watching for that for several weeks; so I was glad to find it. Then, the ride back home. Fortunately there was little wind today; but I still got plenty hot. It was about 9:30 am when I got back home; and the heat index was already around 105 degrees! Tomorrow will be another hot day; but there’s a chance of late-afternoon T-storms. I hope we get one; then maybe things will cool off. We need rain, anyway. What shall I take along for ride food tomorrow? Ranch eggs won’t do, that’s for sure! No matter what I take, it’s sure to get half-melted; sticky; and messy. I need to browse through Feed Zone Portables for ideas!    

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Better with Electrolytes

Better with Electrolytes A ride is better with electrolytes on a hot day — even a short ride! Yesterday I didn’t ride particularly late. I went out about 7:40 am, but I still got very hot; and plain water just wasn’t making the grade. I had the feeling that I would run out of water if I didn’t cut my ride short. The wind was strong enough to be noticeable; but 7 mph isn’t 15 mph! Maybe the blazing sunshine was the problem. I decided that, if I want to extend my weekday morning rides to 15 miles or so, I have to use the Camel-Bak for water; and carry Nuun or Propel. Today, I tried it. I had a doctor’s appointment, and didn’t get out to ride until almost ten o’clock. The temperature and wind speed were comparable to conditions during yesterday morning’s ride; but it was much cloudier. That helped, I’m sure; but this time I had Nuun with me. I felt better than I did during yesterday’s ride; so yes, a jaunt on the bike is better with electrolytes. If I were still riding at 5:15 am, things might be different; but retirement is spoiling me. Without the alarm clock, I might not wake up at all before 7:30 am! Naturally I’m getting out later; but it might be a good idea to try starting at 6:00 am. Then I’ll be home before things really start to heat up. On the other hand, if I have any idea of doing RAGBRAI next year, I must get acclimated to riding in the heat. The only way to get that conditioning is to ride in the heat!? But keep in mind: it’s better with electrolytes!

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Pickle Power

Pickle Power Turn to pickle power on a hot day! Today our heat index reached 105; and similar conditions are forecast for tomorrow. I’m glad I didn’t have to ride in that heat, but if you can’t avoid it; and feel too sweated-out as a result; Pickle Ice can replenish some of those lost electrolytes. It can help you to cool off, too.  I’ve had dill pickle juice during Tours de Cure; and after an hour’s riding in the heat, it sure tastes good! That’s pickle power for you! Of course, pickle juice isn’t everybody’s thing. If you want electrolyte replenishment, Skratch Labs makes a hydration mix; and some people like Gatorade. I myself go for Nuun or Propel. I hope I can get out early tomorrow, and put in some miles before the heat gets bad. I have a late-morning appointment, though; and that might be tough. I’m debating whether to ride; or to walk. Whichever method I use, pickle power ought to be great afterwards!  

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Powder Power

Powder Power! Powder Power is what you get with Propel Powder Packets. These are easy to carry in a jersey pocket or top-tube pouch; and provide electrolytes plus vitamins. They’re also sugar-free! Just pour the contents of a packet into 16.9 oz of water; mix; and you’re good to go. This variety pack includes three flavors: Black Cherry; Watermelon; and Grape. Five boxes of 10 packets each. $19.99 It’s been a while since I’ve had these. I found them at the salvage store a time or two; but lately all I can find are pre-mixed bottles of the drink. Yesterday I found Black Cherry and Kiwi Strawberry. But Propel Powder Packets are easier to pack along than a even a tube of electrolyte drink tablets. As for an actual bottle full of liquid added to my Camel-Bak … a few packets of powder are far preferable. Let’s hear it for Powder Power!

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GU Time

GU Time It was GU Time during this morning’s ride. Usually I don’t need to stop for a gel during a weekday ride; but this morning I began to feel like I needed the energy boost. Not that I did a very long ride; only 12.5 miles. I did , however, include some 30-second efforts at riding 15 mph or more. I guess that did it.  My stomach wasn’t growling; and in fact, I didn’t feel hungry. But I started to feel really tired; and I had some five miles to go before I got home. Better to stop a minute to eat a “goo” than to keep going, and then bonk — and have a miserable time getting home as a result. In fact, that’s why I carry a few gels at all times. You never know when GU Time might strike; and I’m glad I was able to whip up a smoothie in a hurry once I got home. Last night I mixed up skim milk with protein powder; and all I needed to do was pour it into the blender; add 3/4 cup of frozen blueberries; and blend it. Now that I have a blender, maybe I’ll get more onto smoothies. I’m sure there are many combinations; and however delicious chocolate-blueberry is, I won’t want it for every drink!

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Am I Blue

Am I Blue? Am I blue; or was it only the bird? During my ride this morning, I saw what I thought was a bluebird!  It wasn’t a jay; the shade of blue was wrong; and the bird was smaller than a jay. I could see only the bird’s back; but if I had been able to see the bird’s breast, I would have known whether it was a bluebird. Today, for once, I had a tailwind most of the way home. It was cool enough for leg warmers; but am I blue? Not blue with cold, thank goodness. That would have been utterly miserable! I got in 21.10 miles; so I’m making progress on the distance aspect of my riding. Over 15-20 miles is enough of a ride for me to need on-bike eating; and my latest ride food is the Tahoe Trail Bar. As often happens, I found a Tahoe bar in a store (I think it was the salvage store); and got it to test as potential on-bike chow. I liked it; so I got more. The Tahoe bar is all plant-based; not that I care much about whether it’s vegan, but for some people that is important. For me, the important thing is: Does It Taste Good? Incidentally, a hunt through the grab-bag bins at the salvage store  yesterday yielded three FitCrunch bars! With a find like that, there’s no reason for me to feel blue!

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Good Question

Good Question What Do I Eat Now? is a good question when you’re faced with a diagnosis of prediabetes, or Type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed with the former some two years ago; and admittedly haven’t done at all well with my diet for the last year or so. Late February last year, I began intensive re-working of my website. I’d get home from work and plunge right into it; and usually didn’t take time to prepare a proper meal. Weekends were similarly occupied; and proper eating  habits went out the window. Before I could get back on track, I had the hand surgery. I cooked things to freeze beforehand; but that supply ran out before I was really able to cook again. On top of that, we’ve just gone through Easter-candy season! So, start all over again. Today I made Hoppin’ John; and this time I put some worcestershire sauce in it. I also was a bit short on dry black-eyed peas; and filled in with pinto beans. I must clean the carrots I have in the fridge, and try to munch on raw carrots instead of chocolate eggs! They have fewer calories; fewer carbs; and far less fat than chocolate. Riding more miles will help burn some of those calories; but I have to watch that I don’t overdo the post-ride meal! Now — what is the weather going to do over the weekend? That’s another good question. For several days the forecasts have looked like it will rain; but so far we haven’t had much of it. NOAA shows heavy rain for Saturday; and if it’s storming, that means no trip to the salvage store! I can only wait and see what’s happening Saturday morning. Meanwhile I have occupational therapy tomorrow; and at least it’s supposed to be sunny tomorrow. But Sunday? Good question. It might be raining again!    

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Daily Ride Nutrition

Daily Ride Nutrition Daily ride nutrition is something to which I haven’t given much thought. Before I retired, I ate a pre-ride snack (usually a banana and peanut butter); went for my morning ride; and after that it was just off-bike food for the rest of the day. Now, however, things are different. With hopes of RAGBRAI 2024 in my mind, I’m working to lengthen my daily rides. As those rides get longer, I’ll need to start eating on the bike. The question is, what should I eat? It was one thing to pop bites of assorted protein/energy bars during my 40-mile Sunday rides. That won’t do as I advance to the point of several 40-milers per week. I suspect that MET-Rx bars and their ilk aren’t the best idea for almost-daily use. For one thing, freehanded use of energy bars can be very expensive! I’ve gotten spoiled by finding them cheap at the salvage store; but lately I haven’t found very many of them. What alternatives are there? Meat snacks aren’t cheap; and for on-bike fare, they’re harder to chew than I like. They also make me too thirsty; and aren’t filling enough. Sandwiches are bulky, and hard to manage while rolling; even if I cut them into quarters before setting out. I guess it’s time to haul out Feed Zone Portables again. Rice cakes (made from sticky rice) might well make better daily ride nutrition than store-bought energy bars! And, my gut needs training. This morning I ate a banana; two tablespoons of peanut butter; and a cup of almond milk before setting out. I rode about 8.2 miles before turning back for home. As usual, I had a headwind. With six miles left to go, I began to feel hollow; and wasn’t sure I could reach home before I got too hungry. I stopped to eat a GU-Gel; and after a few more miles my stomach suddenly felt uncomfortable. I wasn’t even working to push my pace today! RAGBRAI seems to involve a LOT of eating; and if eating one “goo” makes my stomach feel weird after a few miles, I’ve got a long way to go! So daily ride nutrition is important!      

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