Fueled by Cabbage
Fueled by Cabbage? No, my rides aren’t fueled by cabbage. Not entirely, anyway; although I do eat the stuff. But as I compose this blog, I’m snacking on raw carrots and hummus! If you happen to have an interest in a vegan diet; and want to know how to manage it around cycling; Complete Vegan Cycling Diet can help you to get started. The author is a former pro athlete and a certified sports nutritionist; not only does this book include recipes, it explains what you need for good nutrition. I myself have no desire to go vegan; in part because I’m lazy. Veganism requires much more careful planning than vegetarianism, which can include dairy products and eggs. I’m not entirely vegetarian; I do eat meat or chicken or tuna once or twice a week. But usually this takes the form of canned chicken or tuna. I never have enjoyed handling raw meat; fish; or poultry. It feels weird on my hands; and I never seem able to wash off the smell! The resulting debris really stink up a garbage can, too. Also, I hate cleaning up the grease caused by cooking meat. Hence vegetarianism’s appeal to me. Today I didn’t have much riding to do; whether fueled by cabbage or by chocolate. I took a trip to the supermarket; and was home by around 9:00 am. I didn’t want to go out on the road bike by that time: the temperature was well into the 80s; and the heat index was already 100-plus. A heat advisory was scheduled to begin at 10:00 am; and I admit that I’m tired of riding in such heat. There’s yet another heat advisory forecast for tomorrow from 10:00 am; so I’d better go to the salvage store early. As a rule, I get home from such jaunts around ten o’clock; so I’ll just beat the heat!