What’s In a Name?
What\’s in a name? How do people and places acquire names, or nicknames? One of the signs of a true cyclist, they say, is that you name your bicycles. If that really is the case, count me in! I named the tricycle Valkyrie. That came about one morning when I\’d had the trike about 10 days. I was riding around the local park before going to work, pedaling as fast as I could; and a certain number by Richard Wagner popped into my head, out of nowhere. I had been considering names for the trike, and in that moment I had it: Valkyrie! The hybrid wound up with the name of Katy. Not long after I got it a co-worker, who is originally from Missouri, was telling me about the Katy Trail. It sounded like a lot of fun, and still does. As the Katy is a Rails-to-Trails ride, it\’s nearly flat, which would suit me just fine. For a while I was considering doing the Katy Trail Ride, and was thus inspired to name my hybrid bike Katy. As time went on, I began to realize that I could actually spend quite a lot of money on such a trip. I\’d have to find a way to get me and my bicycle to Missouri and back. I\’d need to borrow, rent, or buy a sleeping bag and tent. I decided I\’d rather put my dollars on a road bike, and have never regretted it; although I still would like to ride the Katy Trail some day. But the poor road bike got shortchanged when it comes to naming. It\’s a Scott, so I call it … Scottie. Now we know what\’s in a name; at least, where my bicycles are concerned.