If the Bike Fits
If the Bike Fits If Bike Fits II! A good bicycle fit is essential for comfort on the bike, especially if you intend to do long rides. There are several bicycle-fitting systems out there. Specialized Body Geometry and Retul are the only two that I’ve experienced. It is said, quite rightly, that any bicycle fit is only as good as the fitter who is carrying out the procedure. If you want to explore bike-fit options, Cutting Edge Cycling discusses several systems in Chapter 7. These are: Wobble-Naught [site not secure]; Retul; Serotta Personal Fit; and BikeFit. Changing where you sit on the saddle can change a bike-fit entirely, as I found out. Moving backward a few inches changes everything! When I went for the re-refit a few weeks ago, I expected that the fitter would move my saddle forward, and/or do something with the handlebar position. Instead, I wound up with a new saddle. He had suggested at past fittings that I might want to consider a slight wider saddle, and that’s what I have now. I still have to check myself to be sure I’m not sitting too far forward; and that my sit bones are where the saddle supports them. Thus, If the Bike Fits II. Is that why I suddenly seem able to pedal harder, and why I’m feeling my calves like never before?