

\"buttonsI\’m trying to get those buttons on my web site\’s slide shows to work. Somehow it makes me think of the expression, \”to be buttoned up tight\”. This work  generates a lot of tension in me. I fact, it\’s driving me crazy!

I thought they weren\’t working at all; but it seems that making them \”click\” is very finicky. Getting the mouse to point at precisely the right spot is maddening.

Or perhaps this is an image size problem. I might have to make the images much smaller than I really want them to be, just to get the buttons to work. Meanwhile my site\’s visitors can\’t access the material, which is why I\’ve been spending huge chunks of my evenings working at it.

Maybe that simply comes with the territory when you turn web developer. At any rate, I think I\’ll go experiment with one of those slides and see what happens.