
Buck Moon

\"julyThis morning I saw the July full moon, aka \”buck moon\”. I wondered where that name comes from; and I thought it might be because bucks, i.e. male deer, are in full antler by this time of year. I looked it up; and I was right!

Yesterday morning there were some clouds near the horizon, preventing my seeing the moon at all; and I was afraid there might be a repeat today. I\’m so glad there wasn\’t! The moon was beautiful; and I wish the full moon phase weren\’t so fleeting. I don\’t care whether it\’s a buck moon, or a harvest moon; or whatever name; I look forward to seeing it.

I love to see the moonlight on the river when the moon is full; and more than once I\’ve wished the electricity would go out just long enough for me to ride by moonlight! If I could ride Paris Brest Paris I\’d have a better chance of a moonlit ride; but of course, that\’s supposing that it doesn\’t rain during the event! Unfortunately, I seriously doubt that I\’ll even be able to qualify for PBP.

The lunar eclipse wasn\’t visible in the USA; but there\’ll be another one eventually. Maybe I\’ll be luckier next time. Oh, and the Tour de France did a grid start for Stage 17. Bucking tradition, perhaps?