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Boa? Why am I thinking about snakes, let alone blogging about them? The very thought of those critters gives some people the big-time creeps! I’m not fond of them, myself; but as long as I can see that a snake is non-venomous; and not a huge python; I can tolerate its presence.
Maybe it’s because I was thinking about these Giro Gauge Boa MTB shoes. I don’t know why they’re named for a snake, unless the closure has something to do with it. Maybe it squeezes your foot, like a boa constrictor! And why am I musing about shoes of any kind? Wishful thinking, I suppose.
I’m not ready to try cycling yet; and I didn’t get a KneeRover. Come to think of it, those things might be difficult to maneuver indoors, anyway.
I sure miss pedaling along, munching on bites of FitCrunch Bar as I go. The temperature is in the upper 60s; and it’s overcast, but not raining. Wind under 10 mph, too. That’s just about perfect for a good, long ride! I don’t have the sun in my eyes; and it isn’t either too hot, or too cold.
I don’t get my stitches out for almost two weeks; and until then, I should avoid putting stress on that foot. Time for a hurt-foot video!
I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.
I live in New Orleans; and retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!
Website designed by Cecile Levert
© This website is the property of its author.
I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.