
Bike MS

\"BikeThe local edition of Bike MS 2018 is in progress this weekend. In 2013 I did it myself!

Quite naturally, my memories of Bike MS have become dim. I only jotted down a few notes just after that weekend. On day 1, it got pretty hot; and there was a sprinkle or two of rain. I also noted that the hills seemed stiff to me.

On Day 2, it was misty at the start; and they moved the starting time up to 7:30 am because bad weather was in the forecast. Some of us were ready to roll before then; and they let us start. Despite the forecast, I ran into just a few drizzles before the end of the ride. It was, however, getting cooler.

 On that first day, several huge flatbed trucks passed us. They were loaded with enormous pine logs; and I could smell the resin as the trucks roared past. I like the smell of pines; but can do without diesel exhaust fumes!

Riders had the option of staying over Saturday night in some kind of communal dormitory in a state park near McComb, Mississippi. Only five or six of us stayed there. There was a shuttle that took riders from the stopping point (where there was also food) to the dorm. Near the food station was where our bicycles were stored (and guarded!) overnight. After breakfast next morning, we got them back.

We didn\’t have to haul along our stuff for that overnight stay. Separate trucks took our luggage to wherever the riders were staying; and we picked it up when we got to each day\’s stopping point. 

I can\’t say how many riders took part the time I rode Bike MS. I was #694, but noticed a #12-hundred-something.  Apparently Bike MS is quite popular!