
Bicycles in War


Bicycles in war? We like to think of the bicycle as a vehicle of peace, don\’t we? We participate in charity rides; and go on long rides just for fun. We use bicycles as non-polluting transportation. But for a fact, our beloved bicycles have been used in war.

I have to admit that that makes a certain amount of sense. Bicycling is faster than marching; and bicycles are far quieter than motor vehicles! They probably don\’t make as much sound as marching troops, either, as long as they\’re properly lubricated.

I don\’t envy the soldiers who had folding bicycles added to the loads on their backs. And to make a parachute jump with one? I\’ll bet it didn\’t feel good to the paratroopers who happened to land with that bicycle under them! It also might not have been so good for the bicycle, but I suppose that\’s another story.

Bicycles, whether in war or not, have the advantage of being cheaper to run and to maintain than motorized vehicles. They need far less storage space. Bicycles might be carried over places that would be impassible to other means of transportation.

Bicycles, unlike cavalry horses, required no feed, and didn\’t need stables. They also didn\’t get colic!

I guess, however, that the drone might predominate in future conflicts. Bicycle troops might be unneeded. Then we can forget about bicycles in war; and all pedal away in peace.