This battle weary knight has lots of company. We who live on and near the Gulf are SO TIRED of hurricanes! Laura and Sally spared New Orleans, but now there\’s a tropical storm off the coast of central Mexico; and guess which way it\’s headed at the moment? In our direction. So we still can\’t really relax.
My ride plans for the weekend are rather nebulous. The hybrid is still in the shop, and I don\’t suppose I\’ll have it back before next Tuesday. Things might not be so great for the road bike, either. Rain if forecast for all weekend! I certainly feel battle weary for always having to watch the forecasts. How hot/cold? Rain, or no? Wind?
Back to the hybrid. Grocery shopping is tricky without my sturdy cargo-carrier, especially for more fragile items such as bananas. They don\’t do very well in a backpack that bounces and jolts around with my every step, and they fare even worse carried in my arms. Last night I placed an online order with Whole Foods, so I don\’t need to worry about food shopping until next week.
I have another battle on my hands, too. I need to start using up some of the stuff from the salvage store before I run out of room for myself. As I now have pre-diabetes, I invent ways of using the high-carb items so that I won\’t exceed my daily carb limit of 150-100 grams.
For example, I think we\’re familiar with boxed mac n cheese. I have some 12 boxes of it on hand. I got out the 14.75 oz can of salmon that I found at the salvage store (under $3.00!), and made SamMac; to wit, salmon and macaroni. That\’s really, well, macaroni!