

Banana Run

Banana Run

Today’s ride was just a banana run; little over one mile long. I do like to have one day a week when I take it easy; or even take the day off from bikes. But when a Love to Ride challenge is in progress, I try not to miss a day. Riding to the nearest grocery store to get some bananas let me get moving.

The day after a long ride is a good time to ride easy; they say it helps flush lactate out of your muscles. Not that I rode particularly hard yesterday; my Sunday long rides are about improving endurance more than developing speed. Yesterday for about three miles I had a good tailwind; and averaged almost 15 mph! I love it when that happens. Now if only I could improve to the point where 15 mph is all in a day’s ride.

Thinking of that yellow fruit brings to my mind the expression, “Going bananas”; that is to say, something is driving me crazy. Then there’s this game. Bananagrams is fun to play; and I learned it while at my sister’s home post-Ida.

That reminds me; hurricane season is not over. We have over two months to go; and a lot can happen on that time. Nigel, at least, is currently no threat to New Orleans; but it looks like New England might have to go on the alert again.

If a storm did threaten us here, it would mean more than a banana run for me if I didn’t have the salvage-store habit. When I was a kid, there was something exciting about rushing to the supermarket as a hurricane approached; but not at my age! It’s far better to lay in your supplies as soon as hurricane season begins; if not earlier. 

But I’d better stop thinking about hurricanes, or I’ll drive myself bananas.