
Bad Hair Day

Bad Hair Day

bad hair day dog helmet spokeasy post blog

A bad hair day isn’t most people’s idea of fun. Sometimes no amount of combing and brushing seems to do any good. For some people, how their hair looks is very important, making a bad hair day very frustrating.

Cyclists, you might think, battle bad hair days constantly in the form of helmet hair. In cold weather a helmet liner goes a long way towards preventing helmet hair. But what can you do if it’s warm; and you want your hair to stay neat?

Here’s an idea I never would have dreamed of. It’s inexpensive and easy. But with so many people making cloth bandana masks because of COVID-19, bandanas might not be so easy to find.

Another solution, at least for men, would be a very short haircut. In fact, I feel sure that’s why so many pro cyclists have “zip” type cuts during the racing season. During a Grand Tour event they wouldn’t have much time to spare on hair care, anyway.

My own solution for helmet hair: when I take off my helmet after a long ride on a hot, humid day; and my hair is crinkly; I just give it a good brushing. That pretty well gets rid of helmet hair for me. It might not work for everyone, I admit. My hair is thin and fine; and I keep it short. For thick hair it might be a different story.

Even if brushing doesn’t completely get rid of  my post-ride hairdo, I don’t sweat it. Especially not in these work-from-home days (weeks? months?). I’m at home anyway; how my hair looks now hardly matters.