



I\’m still backsliding on my diet. Even when I count carbs; and stay within my daily limit; I eat too many sweets.

That isn\’t good. I have to get my A1c levels checked again next month; and I fear it won\’t be good news. It\’s so easy to fall back into poor eating habits; and I always overestimate my ability to resist sweets when I have them here in the home. Will I never learn not to buy them?

On top of that, there\’s the specter of possible rheumatoid arthritis hanging over my head! Elevated CCP levels can mean RA; or, in fact, several other conditions. If I have any one of them, watching my diet will be even more crucial.

Today I\’m backsliding on my cycling. I took a very short ride to the drug store; but otherwise am taking today off from riding. I think I actually need a day off. I walked to the bike shop to get the help I needed with making my new bicycle computer pick up my heart rate.

The weather is still very warm for December; but there\’s a cold front in the forecast. It won\’t be here until Sunday night; but it will feel more like Winter after it passes through. At present the wind is 15 mph; and I\’m glad I\’m not trying to ride against it.

It looks like tomorrow morning will be OK for riding. That\’s a good thing! Year 2021 is almost over; so I want to squeeze in what miles I can over the next three days.

What shall I do for New Year\’s? Go for a ride, of course; but I\’m trying to resist getting any more goodies. I\’ve done enough backsliding already.