I’m glad of this hiatus in rain. For a while there, it was quite wearisome. All day today it was cloudy, and looked like rain; and I’m glad it didn’t rain. The mud isn’t all dried out yet! We’ve got another day of nice weather in store; and tomorrow night it’s back to showers and T-storms. Since I have a lot of stuff I’m trying to get done, I’m taking two days off from work. Tomorrow I want to make an early run to the supermarket; and then I have an appointment at 8:00. If I didn’t, I think I’d sleep in! After that, I want to go out on the road bike; and I can put in a couple of extra miles? Then I can go hammer and tongs at the web site reconstruction. I’m relieved that the forecast for the weekend looks good. I want to ride to the salvage store on Saturday; and this time I want to take the trailer. Of course I want to go for a long ride on Sunday; and it looks like the temperature will be nearly perfect. If only we’d get a hiatus from the wind! All weekend it will be 10-15 mph; from the North on Saturday; and from the East on Sunday. Both mean headwind problems on the way back home. I’ve enjoyed a hiatus from cooking, too; but by next weekend I’ll have to make more stuff to freeze. In fact, maybe I’ll jump the gun and start cooking this coming weekend. I don’t want to spend all weekend hanging over the stove; and if I begin early, I can do it in stages. Just like a big bicycle race!