

At Odds


Sometimes everything is at odds. My blog ideas, for one. At present I\’m suffering a \”dry\” spell, which is much at odds with the weather forecast! Yesterday evening we went under flash flood watch. We\’ve hardly dried out from the last rainy spell; and here comes another one already.

When I left work yesterday, for a minute the sun would try to come out; and the next minute the clouds looked like it was about to rain. I was eager to get home, and had a nice tailwind. But a freight train was sitting on the tracks, immobile. It wasn\’t \”split\” at my usual crossing; and I had to backtrack against a headwind. That sure gets my goat!

This morning the weather was definitely at odds with any idea of riding. At the time I\’m usually setting out on the road bike, it was pouring. On top of that, the lightning and thunder were moving in; and the National Weather Service had issued a special statement about strong T-storms.

I decided not to ride, but knew that there wasn\’t much point in going back to bed. I ate my \”pre-ride\” snack of grapes and peanut butter; cleaned two pounds of carrots; and had breakfast. By 6 am the rain had slacked off, at least temporarily; but six o\’clock is late to be starting a ride on a day when I don\’t work from home.

Today I left the hybrid at home, and walked to work. I expected stormy weather; but as it turned out, I could have ridden to work! Before I left for work this morning, I put the hybrid in the trainer so I could \”ride\” as soon as I got home. Tedious, but better than no ride at all.

Other Odds

My eating for the last two days has definitely been at odds with getting my A1c levels down. I don\’t know what\’s the matter with me! My appetite was suddenly voracious, even when I knew I wasn\’t hungry; and what I ate was not good for carb control!

Maybe I need to track protein intake along with calories and carbs. I check the nutrition info for the bars that I take on long rides; I want at least 12 grams of protein per bar. But what about \”normal\” food? How much protein is in a serving of brown rice? Or of refried beans? How much protein do I need in a day to begin with?

Years ago I read that, for most people, a half-gram of protein per pound of body weight each day is sufficient. The same source stated that, if you\’re getting enough calories, it\’s almost certain that your protein intake is adequate. So maybe I\’m OK; but it won\’t hurt to check.

I hope I get to ride tomorrow morning. Half an hour in the trainer is sure at odds with my appetite for miles! Unfortunately heavy rain is expected tonight and tomorrow; and the flash flood watch has been extended to tomorrow evening. This is driving me crazy!