

At Ease?

At Ease?

Being at ease like this critter here would be wonderful, if only we could manage it. Unfortunately it isn’t so easy to relax when your muscles are all in knots.

How do we get rid of those knots and cramps? Prevention is, of course, the best cure. What can we do to keep cramps at bay? More specifically, what are some natural means of preventing and relieving cramps?

Proper hydration helps. Use a Camel-Bak, so you’ll have plenty of water. Using electrolyte drinks is said to help, too. Warm up before riding, paying special attention to muscles that you know are prone to cramping.

OK, so you’ve done all that, and you still get nasty cramps while riding. Here’s a remedy that one of my cycling books mentions: when you feel a cramp developing, grab your upper lip and pinch it hard. Somehow that helps, although it’s uncertain why. Some experienced riders/bike handlers relieve on-bike quad cramps by unclipping the foot; bending the knee; and lightly pulling on the foot. I, for one, am not skilled enough to attempt that move.

Then, what about post-ride cramps? Grab a foam roller and ease out the kinks. Perhaps an epsom salt bath. See here for some other natural cramp/spasm remedies that might help ease those sore, aching muscles; and don’t push too hard on the bike for a few days. At ease!