
Aren\’t We Masochistic?

\"masochisticAre we cyclists masochistic? It might seem like it. Avid cyclists speak of the sufferfest. Pros, and aspiring pros, talk about learning how to love pain.

I\’ve done my share (and then some) of complaining that my overall cruising speed does\’t seem to be increasing. There are numerous training plans out there; why don\’t I just pick one and use it?

I tried that a couple of years ago, and only seemed to get slower. The plan specified X amount of time in certain heart rate Zones on certain days; HR Zone 2, or whatever. For me, Zone 2 is quite slow unless I\’m in a very hard gear and pedaling very slowly. Yes, I can make 15 mph that way, but such riding wears out my legs too fast; and I know from my reading that it also burns up the body\’s glycogen stores too quickly. Oh, please. Bonk, bonk, stay away! (Carry some GU-Gels if you try that method of pedaling). As an older rider, I also need to be especially careful to guard against injury.

Even after almost 10 years\’ total pedaling, I\’m still worried that riding hard before I go to work will wear me out too much. It might help if I had a couple of hours between dragging myself out of bed and climbing aboard the bicycle. I don\’t have that luxury; some days, only 15-20 minutes elapse between rising and riding. Hard efforts are hard enough when you actually feel awake!

There I go again with the pity-party. I guess I\’m not enough of a masochist.