

Always Looking for Vindication

\"alwaysAlways looking for vindication, Part II:

To continue with yesterday\’s list:

#15: Oh, the \”cyclist\’s tan\”! Pale hands with tanned arms; and a clear demarcation where the legs of your shorts end. 

#16: Some say that the grease mark on the right leg is a sure sign of a newbie. Not necessarily. There are still times when my leg makes contact with that chain.

#17: My walking route to work (~1 mile) and my preferred cycling route to work (~2.8 miles) take roughly the same about of time. I\’d rather ride my bike to work just because I like to ride.

#18: MapMyRide? Well, maybe someday. 

#19: Taking good care of cycling clothing makes sense, because it\’s not cheap!

#20: Smooth legs aren\’t as important as smooth pedaling!

#21: I used to be quite particular about inflating my tires before every ride but have found that every two rides is often adequate.

#22: I\’ve got a reflective vest that is downright gaudy!

#23: What kind of time do they mean? A weekly 50-miler, or 4-hour hammerfests three times a week?

#24: My saddle is comfortable enough, but would it not be if I went into serious training?

#25: My Saturday rides are usually grocery runs. But I start my long Sunday rides before a lot of folks are even up.

#26: What are hills?

#27: Luckily I don\’t need a physical therapist — so far.

#28: I don\’t have any jeans, so of course I have more cycling shorts than jeans.

#29 – #31: As a renter I can\’t repaint my place; but my bicycles stay indoors when I\’m not riding! Who cares whether they match the walls? 

#32: I try hard to remember to unclip before I\’ve lost all momentum, but I suppose this might happen someday.

#33: That wouldn\’t be my approach. I know not everybody can drop several grand on a bicycle; and for a beginner I\’d advise against it. Get a \”work pony\” such as a hybrid. It\’s more stable than a \”fancy trotter\” of a road bike.

#34: Aerodynamic shopping carts? I\’ve used enough shopping carts that don\’t even roll properly!

#35: Fortunately I haven\’t had this bad a fall … yet …

Can you add anything more to this list?