



Adjustment to saddle height; and adjustment to cleat position. Adjustments are part and parcel of everyday life; and sometimes the diet needs to be tweaked, too.

This morning I had a session with the nutritionist. I suspected that something was awry with my eating plan, because I always seemed to be getting hungry. I thought I might need more calories; or more carbs; or perhaps both!

And both it seems to be. In brief, the nutritionist recommends that I bump up the calorie count by about 200 per day; and increase carb intake to about 235-240 grams per day. The nutritionist also said to be sure I get in some good, lean protein with supper: whole grains, legumes, and such.

She mentioned that physical activity can raise A1c levels. Intense physical effort draws on the body’s glycogen stores, causing blood glucose to rise. That’s why athletes who have diabetes must take special care with monitoring their blood glucose before, during, and after exercise; and adjust food intake accordingly. It all sounds like a big job; and gives me a lot of respect for, say, the members of Team Novo Nordisk.

Now for some adjustment to my riding routing. Bad weather has set in; and we’re due for a lot of it in the next few days!

The nutritionist also said to be sure I get in some good, lean protein w/ supper. This can be whole grain; or legumes; or some tuna [link] or chicken. I asked about tuna and mercury [link]; and the nutritionist says I’d have to eat lots of tuna every day, long-term for that to be a concern.

Now for some adjustment to my cycling! Bad weather has set in; and we’re due for a lot of it in the next few days.