

The Pressure is On


The pressure is on, with ACTINPUT Compression Socks. These are made of a breathable fabric blend; recommended by doctors to assist circulation. If you develop lightheadedness and orthostatic hypotension after a long ride, these socks might help. I tried using a similar product, but for me compression socks are too tight. I have to take them off after 15-20 minutes because the pressure hurts; and I hope your experience with them is better.

I\’ve even read of some cyclists wearing compression socks during races; but I believe that this was banned at some point because it was considered a \”performance enhancement\”. I don\’t wear the things while riding because, as I already said, they\’re much too tight. Maybe I just need a larger size?

Getting such socks on at all is difficult for me, because of tendonitis in my left wrist. The pair I have are prescription, which may make a difference in how tight they are. Another reason I don\’t like to wear those socks for riding is that I still manage to get a chain mark on my leg now and then; and it would not be fun trying to wash out that grease! Maybe ACTINPUT Compression Socks would be helpful there, because they\’re black!

Those socks are also hot. Not what I want when it\’s already 80 degrees Fahrenheit at 5 am, and I have a long Sunday ride planned!

All things considered, I personally would rather skip them.