Yes; it\’s a TWOderful day!
As we typically write dates here in the USA, today is 2/22/22. It’s Two’s across the board; and forwards and backwards as well, which makes it a palindrome date. On top of that, today is “TWOSday”!
I went \”twosies\” yesterday as well. The drug store had a special on their store-brand canisters of whey protein powder: Buy one, get the second 50% off; and I went for it. They\’re two pounds each; and they\’ll last a long time.
The weather is still crazy. It feels more like April or even May than February; and such warm weather at this season makes us nervous. We storm-weary folks worry that it will mean another hyperactive hurricane season.
At least we seem to be out of range of the big Winter storm that\’s out there; and that\’s good news. I wish I knew how to get a very long-range forecast; and that will make it easier to plan April rides.
It\’s a TWOderful day in that I went out on my BIcycle; and that means two wheels! But in a way that ride wasn\’t wonderful — er, should I say TWOderful?
About a mile and a quarter out, I ran into a patch of thick fog; and fog drives me crazy, because I can\’t see where I\’m going . It was windy, too; and for some reason I associate fog with lack of wind.
Today I finally did practiced riding out of the saddle a little; and in general my legs felt stronger than they have for a while. That\’s wonderful, right?