

A Noon-Day Ride

A noon-day ride is unusual for me. I’ve become well-used to going out before sun-up, because it’s the best way for me to be sure I do get to ride.

When I’m working, that is. But this morning it was drizzly; I just didn’t feel like going out in it; and being on vacation means I can ride later in the day.

So this morning I worked on my web site, getting a “Back Issues” feature set up. Somehow I hadn’t realized that site visitors couldn’t see any but the four most recent postings! Now I feel re-e-e-eally stupid.

By noon I needed a break, and I was getting tired of sitting around. The sky was still mostly overcast, but I wanted to go riding, so I did. It’s still warm, and I wasn’t sure it wouldn’t start raining before I got back home; especially as I felt a drop here and there.

I’m glad the rain held off. A poncho on a road bike is quite impractical. At any rate, the one I have sure is.

Tonight it’s expected to drop to 61 degrees. I’m going to need the leg warmers tomorrow morning! In fact, I’ll probably catch myself wishing for a warm, noon-day ride.