

A New Mix


I tried a new mix today.

The road bike is about due for a new chain, and yesterday I took it to the shop. They couldn\’t take care of it immediately, which meant I had to leave the bike there. This is why I kept the hybrid when I bought the road bike!

As a rule, I devote Sundays to the weekly long ride. I would rather not have to run errands before that ride, especially not when it\’s broiling hot by 9 am. When I get back from the long ride, I\’m tired. Besides, there\’s a lot more traffic by that time of day.

With the road bike temporarily out of commission, I decided to do a shorter ride with the hybrid today; and work in some errands as well. This new mix was rather a pain in the neck, but now I don\’t have to worry about those errands come Saturday.

I headed for Winn Dixie first. I\’ll be running short of carrots by the weekend; and by then who knows what the weather conditions will be! We don\’t know yet what Zeta will do; but we are within the so-called \”cone of uncertainty\”.

I got a few things at Winn Dixie besides the carrots; and after I got that stuff home, I got ready to head for Walmart. I needed to replace some ancient food-storage containers.

After I left Walmart, I headed straight back to the levee bike path to put in some miles. It really wasn\’t very pleasant this morning; chilly, windy, and gray. The sun didn\’t start to come out until I got home just before noon.

But now all those shopping trips are out of the way, and off my mind. I must say, that\’s a relief.