I\’m beginning a new cycle in my kitchen.
Over the last few weeks, I finally used up a lot of the stuff that had been cramming my freezer; and yesterday, I began more cooking projects. Here we go again!
I kicked off the new cycle with Bald Eagle. I was much surprised when I sighted an eagle, and it was singing! My father would have loved that.
After I packed away the Bald Eagle, I made a use-it-up type of dish. For quite some time I\’ve had two cans of yams (sweet potatoes) and a can of spinach hanging around; takes from the salvage store. I need to weed out my supply of canned goods, and the yam-mash got rid of three cans.
The yams and spinach weren\’t the only things that needed using up. I had part of a cauliflower and part of a red onion that were getting old. Ergo here is the recipe:
two 15 oz cans yams, drained and rinsed (an attempt to get rid of some of the sugar)
15 oz can chopped spinach, well drained
1 cup chopped cauliflower (1/2\” pieces)
1/2 cup chopped celery
scant cup chopped red onion
freshly grated nutmeg; freshly ground white pepper; and salt to taste.
Put the yams, cauliflower, and celery in a 2 quart pot with water just to cover. Bring to a boil, and turn heat down to simmer. Cook for 5 minutes. Drain and mash. Stir in nutmeg, pepper, and salt. Add the spinach and onion. Makes ~4 3/4 cups. Per 1 cup serving: 168 calories; 39 grams carbs.
Now, what can I make next? After I finish up the hummus, eat the half-avocado, etc.