
A Different Perspective

\"aIt\’s refreshing to get a different perspective on things. I\’ve seen many a list of characteristics that indicate a cyclist; but here is a different way of looking at it.

It\’s all right not to be a pro cyclist. I know I won\’t ever be a one; and that\’s perfectly OK. There\’s nothing wrong with riding just for the fun of it.

So what if you don\’t kit up in Lycra®; and don\’t blaze down the road at 25 mph; or don\’t rip down the mountainside? What does it matter if you don\’t do \”serious miles\”; and you just ride to the grocery store, or the neighborhood café? You don\’t ride in bad weather, you say? That\’s nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes I don\’t ride in bad weather, either. 

I like this author\’s attitude that, if you ride a bicycle, you may call yourself a cyclist. It doesn\’t matter where you ride; or how far; or how fast. You don\’t have to have oodles of bike-repair tools around your home; or be able to build a bicycle from spare parts. And you certainly don\’t have to have X number of bicycles for X different kinds of riding.

It doesn\’t matter what age you are; or what color your skin is; or that you don\’t have the figure of a Grand Tour rider. You\’re riding a bicycle; and that\’s what matters.

It\’s a bit like \”Cogito, ergo sum\”: I ride, therefore I am a cyclist! A different perspective can make a big difference; not only in how we view cycling, but in how we view ourselves as cyclists. Let\’s hold our heads up and be proud that we ride!