In an amusement park is where I\’d expect to find a roller coaster. Our weather, however, is behaving like that roller coaster! And no, I am not amused.
It\’s really crazy. This past Sunday, the afternoon temperature reached the mid-70s; and by the next morning it had plunged by some 30 degrees. For the next two nights it got down to the mid-40s.
This afternoon the roller coaster tracks angled upwards again, and it got up to 72 degrees. At about 3 pm I was leaving for an appointment at the dentist\’s, and saw dark clouds towards the South; and they moved in faster than I thought they would.
By the time I reached the dentist\’s office (only one mile away), the sky was mostly overcast. It wished I had brought along the poncho. Besides the worry about getting wet, I wanted to get Chinese take-out for my supper.
Today I was lucky. I got my Chinese food, and got home still dry. It hasn\’t started to rain yet; but it likely will during the night. Then we\’ll get another temperature drop: down to 49 degrees. And to think that we probably have at least another month of this crazy weather!
I hope I can ride tomorrow morning. This morning I overslept (AGAIN!); and simply didn\’t feel like scrambling to get out on the bicycle. That\’s rather a pity, as it wasn\’t quite as cold as it was the pervious two mornings.
When it\’s cold and raining, riding a bicycle isn\’t exactly a walk in the park; much less fun in an amusement park. Well, that\’s what the trainer is for; although \”riding\” in the trainer doesn\’t amuse me, either.