Now I feel normal again. Today I finally got to the salvage store. I missed three weeks!
First there was Tropical Storm Barry. The next Saturday I was at the dentist\’s. Last Saturday I had to go to a store where I knew I\’d find bananas and my fragrance-free sunblock.
This morning I wanted to take along the cooler, so I could bring home hot dogs and bologna without having to worry that they\’d get too warm. After all, we\’ve got another heat advisory today!
My cooler takes up most of the space in a pannier, which means I have to be careful how much I put in my shopping cart at any store. It\’s a bother to have to watch that while shopping, so I hitched up the trailer.
A westerly breeze, while it was very mild, made the ride to the store seem like a major slog. I felt so tired! My legs lacked \”oomph\”. And I wasn\’t on empty; I ate a LaraBar before leaving home.
Once in the store, I raided the make-your-own-grab-bag bins (63 snacks for $10!). I found a 10-oz can of chunk white chicken for $0.99. In a regular supermarket it would cost several dollars more. The use-by date stamped on the can is more than a year in the future, and all I can see wrong with it is a dent in the side of the can. That store is worth the trip, and the ride made me feel normal again.