
Wondering Why?

\"wonderingIn case \”outsiders\” are wondering why we cyclists do what we do, I hope this blog can provide some clarification.

It seems that we cyclists are, indeed, puzzling to non-cyclists. Why do we wear lycra? What\’s with shoes that attach to the pedals, and why are such pedal/shoe systems called \”clipless\”? Why do we ride, anyway? And how about people who race bicycles? What\’s that all about?

As far as racing goes, this might help clarify the matter. I think you might want to avoid these tricks, which seem quite unsporting to me. (Actually, I think that this YouTube is meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner).

Lycra? If you want to do long rides, form-fitting shorts are going to be far more comfortable than regular shorts with undies. Add the desire for speed, and wearing clothing that doesn\’t bunch up under you, and doesn\’t flap around, is even more important.

\”Clipless\” pedal/shoe systems don\’t have the straps, i.e. clips, that earlier systems did. Hence \”clipless\” systems.

Why do we ride? There are myriad answers to that one. Fitness. Transportation. Helping the environment. Saving money over owning a car. Competition. Touring. Weight loss. Health. Fun!

For non-cyclists, in case you\’re wondering why, get a bicycle! Start riding! You\’ll soon solve the puzzle!