It\’s rain-day today; not SUNday. I\’m glad I did my long ride yesterday! By 10 am it was raining quite hard; and if I had done the ride today, I would have had a long, wet slog to get back home.
On top of that, the wind at 10 am was 13 mph — and from the East. Rain plus a headwind like that makes visibility a problem; and if the wind is gusty, bike control can be tricky. It\’s not fun reaching for a bottle on the down tube when the wind is shoving me around!
I tried a new on-bike food yesterday: Supreme Protein Caramel Nut Chocolate bar. I found two of them in the grab-bag bins at the salvage store last Friday. The Supreme Protein bar is denser and heavier than most other ride foods that I\’ve tried. Than actually makes it a good choice for a long ride in the rain. It won\’t get soggy as fast as, say, Clif Bars.
What can I do on a rainy day when I don\’t want to go outdoors? Of course I had to wash dishes. At times I wish I could use trenchers; after I eat my food, I eat the dishes!
Today I needed to get my laundry done. I\’ve got my window unit on \”Fan\” to help it dry. I can watch YouTubes, or read. But no cooking projects today. My freezer is too full!