Is there a magic number out there?
Ten thousand seems to crop up a lot. For example, we hear about getting in ten thousand steps a day. It\’s dismaying to see that I can put in several hours\’ riding at an average cadence of 81 — and still not reach the equivalent of FIVE thousand steps!
A web site I was reading about cyclist training says it takes 10,000 hours of practice/training to become proficient. Naturally I wondered how many hours of cycling I\’ve put in since November 2009.
Except for my century rides (trike, hybrid, and road bike) I don\’t seem to have records of ride times prior to 2013. Luckily I had a \”totals\” page for each year, 2013-2018, in the 3-ring binder where I keep my weekly logs. It didn\’t take long for me to add up the hours. Grand total, 2816:24:07.
I\’ll have to guess when it comes to November 2009 through to the end of 2012, and that\’s going to be some very wild guessing. Even if I got in 300 hours each year for 2010-2012, my total hours from Day One aren\’t even halfway to 10,o00. So I\’ve got quite a way to go before I reach that magic number of 10,000 hours, and am \”proficient\”!
And what about cyclists who want to improve, but are very short on time? The Time-Crunched Cyclist might help. I admit that I haven\’t tried it, but it sounds like it would be interesting; and let\’s face it, we\’re all time-crunched these days.