

Day 25


Day 25 of Love to Ride!

Yes, I love to ride; but I have, however, no great fondness for trains.

I did only a very short ride with the road bike this morning. For one thing, I think I need a break. I was concerned about the weather, too, but felt only a few drops of rain.

I rode to work. It was overcast, but still not raining. When I went on morning break, I hurried over to a convenience store that\’s just a few minutes\’ walk away, to buy an inexpensive sandwich for my lunch.

I must have hit the \”weather window\”. Not long after I returned to my desk, I glanced out of the window and saw that it was getting really dark. Soon it was pouring, and there were a few very loud thunderclaps. I checked NOAA. Severe T-storm warning, and a tornado watch as well.

Today I had a follow-up with my primary care physician, for the tendonitis in my foot; and left work at noon. I was lucky to have another weather window for the ride to the clinic.

You\’re probably wondering what trains have to do with this. Here it is: I couldn\’t get to the bike path I use without crossing some railroad tracks; and I was delayed as much as 10 minutes because of a very long train. The rain was on and off in the meantime; I\’m just glad it wasn\’t a heavy downpour, and I was relieved that the lightning didn\’t start to fire up. Day 25 has been a wet one!

I\’m glad to be home. The tornado watch has been extended to 7 pm; it\’s raining; and we still could get severe T-storms. This is not good weather for riding a bicycle.