
Day 18

Day 18

It’s Day 18 of Love to Ride!

I went for an early-morning ride on the road bike, as usual. I got to see the almost-full moon; but when I reached “moon view point”, where normally can see the moon over the river, it was obscured by a cloud. I sure was disappointed.

This morning I did a few “force” intervals, but didn’t feel very strong at it. Did I use too hard a gear? Did I need for more recovery from the last time I did force work? Again last night I didn’t sleep well, which may have been a factor.

I checked the forecast last night, and decided not to ride in to work today. Yes, I chickened out! Conditions were going to turn nasty by mid- to late afternoon, right when I’d be riding home. I needed a bit of a break, anyway. After all, by Day 18 of a bike-challenge month, I’m a bit tired out!

As it turned out, we were let go from work at 1 pm because of the possibility of severe weather. I ran into a light sprinkle on the way home; and stopped and get into my poncho. I probably needn’t have bothered, after all; but you never know when a few drops will turn into a heavy downpour. I wanted to be prepared if the floodgates opened!

By 1:30 pm I was home. Now, at 2 pm, we have a wind advisory and a tornado watch! I’m glad I’m not out there riding now!