
Music for Riding

\"musicHow about some music for riding?

As I\’ve said before, I\’d rather not try to listen to music while cycling. For one thing, to really LISTEN requires one\’s full concentration. Therefore I can\’t listen to music and ride a bicycle at the same time!

But if I did want to have music for riding, which pieces would it be? The classical repertoire has many to choose from!

Something fast and vigorous? A slow piece? A work with a mixture of tempi and moods? How about this? If I were trying to spur myself on when my energy and stamina were running low, it just might do the trick! I fact, it makes greased lightning look like a mighty lame snail.

Oh, and to be an \”exhibition\” cyclist. I think I\’d have a lot of fun working out the routines! \”Eljen a Magyar\” is marvelous just to listen to. I love that fieriness; that sparkling brilliance with something poignant just underneath. It would be great to ride to, and another good spur late in a long ride or race when fatigue is setting in.

But I\’m not going to ride with earbuds in. I\’ll think the music in my head, and wait to get out the CD player until I\’m back home.