

\"A-440What\’s A-440?

That’s the note the principal oboist plays when it’s time for the orchestra to tune up just before a concert begins.

My bicycles don’t play it; but whenever one of my bicycles gets a tune-up, I think of A-440. It would be nice if such a tune-up could guarantee that my bike will never get a flat. (That’s sort of a musicians’ in-joke)!

Before I take the road bike to the shop, I unship the under-saddle pack; and wow, does my bike feel lighter without it! The loaded pack* probably doesn’t weigh over 2 pounds; but it really makes a difference. I could easily get spoiled by not having it on my bike, but I need to have it when I do long rides. That means I’d better train with it every day!

Similarly, on Sunday long rides I wear the full Camel-Bak; and also stuff the cable lock; tube of Chamois Butt’r; and cell phone into its pockets! It\’s a good idea to train loaded up like that. Then, if I go on a supported long ride that means I don’t have to lock up my bike, I can leave the lock home. I’ll be riding a pound or two lighter than I was during training, which will be helpful.

I ride the hybrid when the road bike is at the shop; and I’m amazed at how slow, heavy, and clunky the hybrid seems now. Yep, even with that saddle pack to add weight, the road bike has me spoiled rotten, whether it\’s tuned to A-440 or not.

*multi tool, two CO2 cartridges with nozzle, spare tube, tube of sunblock, bandaids in case of a crash.