

\"longevityLongevity. Who doesn\’t want to live a long, happy, healthy life? Exercise is an important part of that. Even if we aren\’t pro cyclist caliber,  riding is still good for us.

I know that I could do a lot more for healthful living. My diet is a mess. I\’ve long been interested in meatless diet and nutrition, because I\’ve never enjoyed handling raw meat, poultry, or fish. I like even less cleaning up after having cooked such items.

Unfortunately I\’ve been so busy the last year or so with my web site and blogging that I get home from work and just grab whatever is easiest, instead of preparing a decent meal. That means far too much junk food!

The Feed Zone Cookbook and Feed Zone Portables are full of recipes for \”fast and flavorful food for athletes\”. I\’ve browsed through both books a good bit, and notice that the recipes in general tend to run high in fat. They are, however, designed with the pro cyclist in mind. A pro cyclist in training and racing would burn it off, I guess.

OK, exercise (aka cycling), proper diet — what else? Get enough sleep (I wish my sleep disorder would let me!); and keep your mind active.

Longevity is not rare. It seems that more and more people are living to become centenarians. As long as I can stay healthy, active, and independent, I\’ll go for it!