
Just the Thing!

\"justThis is just the thing for cycling enthusiasts! What could be a better day to raise awareness of Love to Ride than February 14?

Once registered, you may enter rides at any time. Two or three times a year there are month-long \”challenges\”. You can join a team and then your team can take on whatever the particular challenge is. Sometimes it\’s Ride to Work; or it might be riding as much as possible that month.

You can earn badges, too! When I first joined Love to Ride, at least, it was OK to record past rides for badge-earning purposes (although not towards the current challenge). That\’s how I got the Legend badge: 10,000 miles!

There are many other badges, such as one for logging your first ride with Love to Ride. There\’s one for Ride to Work. You can even get a badge for buying a bicycle! Please see the Love to Ride web site for further details.

It\’s Valentine\’s Day, so wear your heart on your sleeve — or put it on your handlebars — and go for a ride! It\’s just the thing!