This feature is coming soon, I hope.
For a long time I\’ve hoped to make my site accessible to those whose native language is not English. Today I installed a feature on my web site that would let blog posts, at least, be translated into several languages.
Unfortunately I seem to have done something wrong. I set up four non-English languages; and then I couldn\’t figure out how to get a blog post to translate.
Next I found that the pic had disappeared from my home page; and for no reason that I could see. I had to go into my web host\’s live chat feature to work on it; and the translator plugin-in that I had installed had to be disabled. My site\’s menu, however, still has two entries for Language Switcher. Where did they come from? Now I need to delete of one of them.
But I dare not experiment with it right now. I\’m only too likely to create further havoc. There are ever so many things that I don\’t know about site-building. I can watch YouTubes about how-to-do-it all day; take notes to follow; and still have problems. That\’s frustrating to my independent streak.
The trouble with learning how to do these installations is that they\’re likely to be one-time occurrences. I quickly forget how I did them; and even if I took notes during the process, I can still be at a loss. It\’s NOT like riding a bike!
Thus ends today\’s effort. It\’s getting too late to try again tonight, but I hope to get things straightened out; then I can really say that it\’s coming soon. Until then, Auf Wiedersehen! Hasta la vista! And so on.